Sunday, January 30, 2011

Little Bike

     Here is a strange dream I had some time ago, powerful enough for me to want to write it down and remember it:

                    From somewhere I got this extremely small motorcycle.  My friends randomleft before I did, I was kind of upset because of it and I knew I had to catch up to them.  So I jam off on this super little motorbike (don’t remember how it rode though…haha kind of dumb and dumber-ish).  The next thing I remember is going through a small town, on the concave of a hill.  I pulled off on the side.  There was a baseball park.  Something as wrong with the bike and I didn’t know what it was so I picked it up and shook it.  I could hear a little liquid sloshing around which told me the bike was out of gas.  There were people around by then, and I really don’t remember if the friends that I was catching up to were there, but I do remember distinctly a police officer stopping me.  He already had someone in the back.  It made me a little nervous!  He asked me what was wrong and I explained to him that I had run out of gas and he offered to take me to get more.  I know that I accepted the help but I don’t remember what happened after that.

     I’ve had dreams that were similar to this before, just a strange semi-reoccuring dream.  Strange that it’s impact on me was really great, but when I try to convey it into words, it just feels flat.  The creative part of the mind is an odd one, a real trickster.


my day in a sentence said...

But why would you dream a small bike? Why not a regular one? :D

Mister King said...

dreams are nuts...i had one that i woke up and blogged about also. check me out. Ill be followin.

forkfantasy said...

I love dreams. I wish I could remember more.

Murray Rothbard said...

I'll be blunt... I'm not a fan of the design. But your blog is nice, keep it up :)
Followed out of hope that you will eventually make your font not make my eyes bleed or something.

(this is actually a kind comment omg)

Fang said...
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Fang said...

Dreams are awesome. Try becoming lucid or something next time ;D

Zakk said...

That was a strange dream! I wish I could remember my dreams :(

DBtG5 said...

I need to get my old dream notebook out again.

Lendo Khar said...

I haven't had a dream in so long, or at least one I could remember.

Some dude said...

Ive always wanted to start a dream journal since I tend to have some very strange ones. But, I'm lazy and never do it.

Anonymous said...

That sounds rather odd. I'm guessing you did not make it back to the bike with the gas?

Rawr said...

Dreams... nice post

A Beer for the Shower said...

The bad thing about extremely small motorcycles is: you hit one bad speed bump and suddenly you're walking...awkwardly, with an exhaust pipe sticking out of your anus.

Waaaoi said...

Never had that kind of dream before, I usually just get chased by ghosts in mine :/

Check me out at

poorfags said...

lucid dreams are the best

Anonymous said...

Dreams are always about mothers and sex.

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