Friday, January 21, 2011

Grass, its grows man.

IMG00003     I still don’t know what to write about, but as I was sitting outside my house this caught my attention.  I’m not going to delve into the symbolism of this; I will let the casual reader decided his or her rendition of thought towards the simplicity or complexities of this.  It’s simply another day.  Walking the thin line between success and disaster.  That's not so true.  I’m still skirting around trying to enjoy my life when everything is falling apart around me.  So it is truly a fine line, this life and disaster, day by day, step by step, this infinite line, until my inevitable fall.


MonkeyPants said...


Anonymous said...

Write a blog detailing your decent into madness.

Chris said...

deeeep, man haha

Rawr said...

followin you!

Sam said...

When trying to find inspiration it helps to look upon a subject u love or enjoy

Unknown said...

Well I like looking at life and thinking more deeply about it, and this is like hmm a pressure release. Its no anything super cool like movies or technology, just life but its cool.

Poetry of the Day said...

it does grow, u sir, are brilliant

forkfantasy said...

Cool story, man.

GeekRevolution said...

If you meet the buddha on the road, you must kill it.

-K of

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