Monday, January 24, 2011

About a Dog

     That’s Tatti.  She’s a good girl.  But as she gets older she gets more and more stubborn.  She can go out to play and get bored of playing, then gets home and wants to play more.  This usually happens when I settle down to play some Borderlands or watch Hulu.  She sits right on the mouse and/or keyboard or sometimes sets up right in front of the TV asserting her self as the center of attention. Most of the time she listens only when there’s food involved.  The only thing she loves more than eating is chasing rabbits.  Except for swimming.  When she goes the beach she swims for so long I get worried and dogtempted to jump in after and pull her out before she swims to death.  Because she doesn’t listen she does what her heart tells her what is best for her.  I don’t blame her.  That's what life's all about.  She has quirks, temperament, and personality.  She’s more than a dog but less than a human. She's awesome sauce.


Shona said...

Sheesh, Tatti seems to love attention like my kitten, Cudi. He sits on my laptop and just types away to people, they think I'm crazy :'(

Delthra Phicorn said...

Adorable. We always say my dog think he is the king of the house, and that we are just there to serve him.

Some dude said...

I used to have a cat who would always run up and start chewing your fingers if you started using your laptop. He was demanding. lol

Klyde Dawson said...

That dog has more personality than me...

Anonymous said...

It's good that she's still active. Before we got our Golden Retrevier puppy, we had a Yellow lab who started to get arthritis. Started to get stubborn, wouldn't go up/down stairs, got less and less active. Arthritis is what I thought of after I read your first 3 sentences lol

Unknown said...

Yeah pets are awesome that way. They lose their animal mentality quickly for a taste of dat people pie. Hmhm they seem to get it pretty good.
I worry about the arthritis too, I know they are prone to that, also that thing Marley got in "Marley and Me". We try to diet her but she drooools when we eat and its so hard to say no. Diet and exercise meh.

bmacphotos said...

Thats a good dog let hem know hoe is BOSS.

Anonymous said...

You should let her have a controller so she can have a game of borderlands with you :P
Sounds like she has a good outlook on life, maybe I should take some advice from her!

Overthinker said...

Aww! What a cutie.
I'm rather jell-o.

my day in a sentence said...

My dog hates it when I read. So, whenever I open a book, she just climbs up on my bed and sits on the book. :D

Following and supporting!

Chris said...

Dogs are the best pet imo, you can actually connect with a dog and they have personality's. I would love to have a new dog but they are such a big responsibility I don't have time for oen at the moment.

Lendo Khar said...

Take care of your dog, bro. She looks really cute and healthy

Anonymous said...

lol Yeah. We fed our Lab people food all the time. We haven't so far with our retrevier and he doesn't think people food is food at all... if that makes sense haha.

He's 94 pounds, 11 months old and its mostly muscle. His body fat % is actually a little under normal :P

Abdyli Interests said...

My parents are getting us a dog, ahhhh i cant wait!!

following bro

C. B. said...

The way you talk about her, you guys sound very close :)

Oonoes said...

Your dog seems more like a cat than a dog haha! Like cats, she only does what she feel likes, and only does what you want her to do when theres food involved.

My cat has really brightened up my life, and i'm glad your dog is doing the same for you.

Al Frances said...

She looks beautiful. I'm more of a cat person, but I move house every year or so, and my mother is allergic so couldn't look after one in the transition period, so I can't get any pets. When I settle down, though, I'm going straight to the pound.

forkfantasy said...

Awww. :3 My cat has discovered that if he lays on my laptop, I have to pet him.

Justin H said...

Reminded me of my dog that passed on some time ago. I cried for days. Tatti looks beautiful.

Unknown said...

Pets become such a part of our lives, so integral to our passing moment; I won't say days as if it was simply growth. A genuine tryst of our volatility. I had an ex who cried fervently over the lost of a silly guppy we bought from the store. A silly $5 fish who's life span was completely unpredictable. But it wasn't so in her eyes. Her heartache grew every day as its life grew closer to more grave, more shallow, until it turned afloat, the apple of her sloppy wet eyes. Man is measly an animal himself, eh?

The Game Store Guy said...

Very cool. I am sad to say that I currently don't have any dogs, although I am looking to get a brand new German Shepard puppy here pretty soon. The last dog I had (a yellow lab) died rather unfortunately of illness and I haven't had one for several years now.

Ugh said...

awesome dog. I miss my dog :(

Oodama said...

Man, your dog looks exactly like my uncle's dog, but acts completely opposite lol.

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